Heroes behind the Masks –a B1-AKT Campaign #WeAreOne

Laura Iuliana
4 min readMay 6, 2020



Super Man, Wonder Woman, you can take a break. The coronavirus pandemic has called for a new squadron of real-life heroes to protect the planet on the frontlines of the crisis.

B1-AKT launches a series of International Portraits concerning Heroes of the Front Lines against the Covid 19 global pandemic (women and men).

We Are One Social Media Campaign puts a face on the Frontline COVID-19 Pandemic Response. The #WeAreOne campaign will show people who are making tremendous sacrifices, putting their own lives at risk — to save lives, keeping all of us healthy and safe. That’s what makes them heroes!

They need our thanks — and our support! So let’s say our thank you, very loudly, but truly invest them with substance: that right now and when this crisis is all over, we will fight alongside you for the conditions and lives you genuinely deserve.


Thank you to the paramedics, midwives, nurses and doctors, overwhelmed. You are lacking in equipment and staff, and you are risking your health to save lives. Thank you, too, to the hospital administrators, managers, secretaries, and other pillars, without whom it would collapse.


Thank you to the cleaners, Thank you to those who produce and deliver food and the goods necessary for a healthy existence; to those who keep our transport system operating.


Thank you to the teachers who, by continuing to educate the children of key pandemic fighters, allow doctors and nurses to focus on saving lives and the country to function. Thank you to the supermarket workers, your checkouts requiring constant attention and disinfection.


Thank you to all real life super heroes! They are what Hope and Leadership looks like today! #WEAREONE

Look for #WeAreOne on social media, and support us by liking and sharing. Heroes, send us your pictures and your stories! contact@b1-akt.com


French Information:

Toute l’équipe de B1-AKT a décidé de lancer la campagne #WeAreOne pour remercier tous les Super-Héros du quotidien, ceux qui ont été en première ligne lors de la crise sanitaire du COVID 19, qui ont soigné, accompagné, livré, produit, assurer les services de première nécessité, tous les anonymes au cœur d’or caché sous le masque .

#WeAreOne : soyons unis, nous sommes un seul peuple, une seule terre, une seule humanité. Que cette crise à l’instar de ces Super-Héros du quotidien nous apprenne la coopération, la solidarité, l’engagement. Suivons leur exemple et bâtissons ensemble, maintenant, par chacun et pour chacun, une humanité meilleure !

#WeAreOne contact@b1-akt.com

Merci à tous de votre dévouement !

About us:

B1-AKT Leading Sustainable Strategies & Paragon Comunication is a French consultancy company which works with companies, institutions and political parties to develop strategic responses as to maximize their impact through sustainable solutions & ecosystems.

French Information:

B1-AKT Leading Sustainable Strategies & Paragon Comunication

Créateurs de dialogue, Acteurs de transformation, Maîtres d’œuvre d’un monde meilleur, Accompagnateurs des projets transnationaux à impact sociétal et des Global Sustainable Leaders, Pilotes de la Transition.



Laura Iuliana
Laura Iuliana

Written by Laura Iuliana


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