B1-AKT a vision of Sustainable Leadership

Laura Iuliana
9 min readMay 20, 2019


BE ONE AKT “LEADING SUSTAINABLE STRATEGIES & ARCHETYPE COMMUNICATION” is a French based company acting trans-nationaly. The company offers the most innovative, leading and sustainable solutions in complex project steering, international management, intercultural training, holistic communication.

They work with companies, institutions and political parties to develop strategic responses as to maximize their impact through sustainable solutions & ecosystems. B1-AKT is bringing them to their highest level, developing and improving their leaders, people, culture, systems and processes, via strategic advisory services, leading training services and innovation labs.

B1-AKT “ loves innovation, and they work diligently to uncover innovative concepts, ideas, and sustainable practices”.

ABOUT B1-AKT’s Team /A collective of deep thinkers and thought sustainable leaders

They are a team of 50 passionate change makers and their actions are based on collective Intelligence collaborations worldwide. They are “leading experts in complex project steering, facilitators, event makers, Global Citizenship actors, sparring partners, knowledge generators and providers, intercultural dialoguers, mediators and more”. Also, B1-AKT is a natural partner for public, private and civil society, but also cultural-oriented organizations, nationally and internationally:

“We are inspiring leaders working to create transformational change: Our work is diverse/Our approach transnational/Our goals are unique. But we stand united in our purpose: build a brighter and sustainable future”.

Our Mission : “Implement sustainable development and sustainable solutions, create long-term, global change, by using innovative tools and sustainable strategies to get there”.

Proudly independent, we are not too small to be ignored — and not too big to end up ignoring you. We have proven success through our many years of experience, and a team of talented and passionate people worldwide who work together to produce consistently great results.

Even as we’ve grown, we have retained our entrepreneurial drive, always seeking undiscovered innovations that keep us one step ahead of the competition. We go beyond the common and accepted and are in constant pursuit of the bold and unconventional.

ABOUT THE FOUNDERS/When spirited talent collides with fresh and creative ideas

YANNICK LE GUERN Innovative Entrepreneur// Global Shaper // Internationally Experienced.

Yannick Le Guern, President and Founder of the company “B1-AKT Leading Sustainable Strategies and Paragon Communication” offers an example of today’s global sustainable leader & change maker: internationally experienced with the ability to turn experience into value creating opportunities that serve both his organizations and the world.

Yannick studied at the renowned University of Paris IX Dauphines where he obtained a PHD in Strategic Management and Organizational Sociology. Actively involved in global sustainability, public policy implementation and politics he started his career during Jospin Government, as high leading technical advisor.

A few years later, he participated in the strategic reorientation of the renowned Advancia-Novancia Business School and created a Master’s degree in Entrepreneurship. Already concerned by the will to develop sustainable projects, he introduced in France the new concepts on the responsible, social and sustainable entrepreneurship.

Presently, Yannick continues his activity as lecturer concerning entrepreneurship, complex projects steering, public policy implementation, leading and strategic management.

His focus would eventually shift towards creating strategies for sustainable leadership that also addressed pressing human problems. He recently launched an unparalleled network for global sustainable change the “Global sustainable leaders’ network” together with other sustainable and change actors.

LAURA PETRACHE Visionary Entrepreneur// Global Sustainable Leader// Change Maker.

Involved in the world of politics Laura is very active in supporting and advising political figures as senior political adviser. Her life and background are international, her experiences intercultural, her sharp and agile thinking is able to adapt both “in” and” out of the box”.

With more than 15 years’ experience as leading intercultural expert, she brings a wealth of experience and insight to several peacekeeping missions and she continues to help determine the overall strategy and direction of AKT AS 1- Leading Intercultural Training Institute that she created.

She believes that a cultural “hybrid identity” is a sustainable key of social development. Laura is cultivation a thriving ecosystem for social innovation and more sustainable, equitable, and inclusive communities. “Trans-nationally, trans-lingually and trans-culturally” are the key words she uses for a “sustainable future”.

Being an Intercultural Mediator, a Fellow, a Change Maker and Mentor is what she does best. As mentor, she cares about the future of democracy and the wellbeing of generations to come, helping young people believe in themselves and their abilities to improve the world, as to create positive social impact. As a fellow for the Change Makers Alliance, Laura shares Humanity and builds a better world!

Laura also strongly believes that creativity drives innovation, innovation drives entrepreneurship, and entrepreneurship drives sustained economic growth.

B1-AKT Fields of Intervention, Structures and Expertise

B1-AKT/Advisory services

Start, Connect, Build, Inspire.

“B1-AKT” provides Business Strategies, activities & Leading Communication that meet the needs of the enterprise and its stakeholders today, while protecting, sustaining and enhancing the both human & natural resources that will be needed in the future.

“We believe creativity drives innovation, innovation drives entrepreneurship, and entrepreneurship drives sustained economic growth and we wake up every morning thinking about how to create a more robust and dynamic entrepreneurial ecosystem”.

Find our more on : http://b1-akt.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/B1-AKT-Leading-sustainable-strategies-and-paragon-communication.pdf

Key words: Consultancy/Creation and Innovation/Strategy/Archetypal Communication/Leading Communication/ Political Communications/Complexity/Sustainability/Change Making/ Social Impact/ Entrepreneurship/Leading Solutions

AKT AS ONE/ A Leading Intercultural Training Institute

We break Management, Language & Communication barriers together

“Leading your team is above all inspiring motivation, leaders motivate team members by appealing to them at an individual level and by inspiring them to contribute to the overall vision.

We are creating sustainable leaders & managers, intercultural actors. We provide a highly practical perspective on one of today’s most pressing business issues: how to lead in a complex, cross-border, multicultural environment”.

— Leading Intercultural training
— Strategic Leading Management
— Creating Educational Engineering
— Languages and cultural training

Find out more on: http://b1-akt.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/AKT-AS-ONE-Leading-Interculural-institute-Petrache-Le-Guern.pdf

Key Words: Languages /Management & Strategy /Intercultural Communication/

BE COME ONE LAB/ A Global Innovation Lab

Design to Innovate & Innovate to Transform

“Just ‘coming up with cool ideas’ is not enough for innovation to be sustainable. We combine creative ideas with viable business models that solve real problems to come to a sustainable business model. We bring people together to develop and test new methods to address challenges across the international development and sustainable response sectors.

At BE COME ONE Lab we identify innovative, scalable, implementable solutions, supporting disruptive ideas, and accelerating development impact. We open people up to new ideas, help them to experiment with new approaches, and free them up to support the development of social entrepreneurs working on shared goals.

Simply put, with us, innovation is finding and applying new approaches to address existing problems or serve unmet needs”.

Business creative labs

— Management impact Lab and Sustainable Strategy ideas Labs
— Enterprise Lab
— Leadership & High Potential Labs
— Power and Influence Lab
— Design Thinking based Labs

learn more about here

Institutional Leading Labs

— Political Lab
— Sustainable politics design
— Public Policiy Implementation
— Unesco’s academy for Young Women

learn more about here

Community Empowerment Labs

— Design for social innovation
— Sustainable Integration
— Citizenship
— Common good
— Education
— Youth
— Gender equality

learn more about here

Key Words:Innovatative Solutions/Disruptive Ideas/Lab/Potential/Design Thinking/Transition Design/WIN Cube/ Axiological Action/

BE ONE LAB /Shaping a Better Future

“BE ONE LAB” enables a network of global shapers, driving dialogue, action and implementing change. The team is composed of 50 passionate “change makers” and their actions are based “on collective Intelligence and collaborations world wide”.

“We bring together diverse stakeholders that represent diverse communities, academic institutions, private and state institutions, entrepreneurs and investors who are co-creating an enabling environment to develop tangible and sustainable solutions, responding to multidimensional challenges, helping in effect to build more inclusive communities, enabling Sustainable Politics.

We provide Innovative tools, methods, and systems to solicit public feedback, offering (French) People more opportunities to participate in policy making while providing government with the benefits of their collective expertise and information.

learn more about here

Key Words: Humanism/Social entrepreneurship/Sustainability/Hybrid Identity/Global Citizenship/Intercultural Dialogue/Transnational Framework/Change Making/Agility.

On short: We’re all about innovation with impact

We’re in the Ideas Business

We’re in the Strategy Business

We’re in the Complexity Business

We’re in the Learning Business

We’re in the Creativity Business

We’re in the Collaboration Business

We’re in the Solutions Business

We’re in the Knowledge Business


French Information

B1-AKT est une société qui agrège et rassemble en réseaux, des sociétés de conseils et des consultants-experts internationaux.

Nous intervenons dans la définition et la mise en œuvre de stratégies qui permettent de mettre en cohérence l’engagement des salariés et l’adhésion des clients autour des valeurs de l’entreprise.

Nous apportons également notre expertise en matière de prospective afin de mettre en lumière les tendances sociétales et économiques dont l’entreprise doit tenir compte afin de garantir son développement pérenne.

“Notre originalité, donner un sens à l’entreprise
et à son action, une portée internationale, une identité,
une culture et un esprit commun”.

Inventer le Renouveau

Agence de réflexion, nous apportons notre expertise en matière de créativité, d’innovation et de prospective afin de placer l’entreprise dans une stratégie de développement pérenne, durable.

Nos équipes d’experts en prospective, créativité, entrepreneuriat, politique, sciences, art, planning stratégique, brainstorming élaborent des stratégies innovantes et les rendent applicables et durables. Nous pensons, créons et vous accompagnons dans le développement de vos :

Stratégies de différenciation

Changements de positionnement ou de culture

Transformations organisationnelles et managériales

Conceptions de produits ou services innovants

Stratégies de communications de renouveau ou de crise

Inspirer le Renouveau

Société de conseil, nous intervenons dans la définition et la mise en œuvre de stratégies globales et de communication qui permettent l’engagement des salariés et l’adhésion des clients autour des valeurs de l’entreprise.

Guider le Renouveau

Nos experts en coaching, accompagnent les dirigeants dans leurs réflexions et décisions.

Intégrer le Renouveau

Institut de formation, nous formons les dirigeants, managers et salariés au management dans toutes ses acceptions ainsi qu’à la langue anglaise et roumaine (apprentissage, négociation, accompagnement) et à l’interculturalité.





Yannick Le Guern

Docteur en sciences de gestion et sociologie (Université Paris 9 Dauphine-EHESS)

Professeur-chercheur, chaire en entrepreneuriat HEC-ESCP

Consultant en stratégie et communication, coach maïeuticien et neuro-comportemental, planneur stratégique, expert en communication symbolique et axiologique.

Ancien conseiller technique du Centre d’Etudes et de Prospective du Ministère de l’Intérieur

Depuis 2012, journaliste-prospectiviste /Production audiovisuelle et animation de l’émission « l’art de changer le monde et de créer une humanité meilleure » sur Radio Widoobiz.

Participation à différents Think-tanks, clubs et association philanthropiques

Agrégateur de réseaux, Organisation et animation de conférences sur les thèmes du développement durable et de la prospective

Curieux et humaniste, épris de philosophie, d’art, de culture, de littérature et de beauté du monde : “J’aime agir pour changer le monde, pour inventer la république universelle du Chevalier de Ramsay”.

Laura Petrache

Docteur en Belles Lettres et littérature anglaise et américaine

Professeur-chercheur en philologie, étymologie, syntaxe, morphologie et linguistique comparée, en symbolique, ethnologie et mythes fondateurs de l’homme, des sociétés et des civilisations

Construction de programmes pédagogiques. Mise en oeuvre d’outils, de matériels et d’équipements dans le cadre d’applications pédagogiques

Experte en “transition design” et “design thinking” et aussi Text mining (TAL) : Extraction de données lexico-syntaxiques. Qualification lexico-syntaxique tous types de textes. Qualification sémantique tous types de textes

De nationalité Américaine, Laura parle Anglais, Roumain, Italien, Allemand, Russe, Espagnol et Français




Laura Iuliana
Laura Iuliana

Written by Laura Iuliana


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